Wellbeing in the workplace

With working from home and teleworking becoming the new normal for many people, a lot are still struggling to navigate this new dynamic. Despite less hours physically at the office, the number of people struggling with stress, burn out, anxiety, and depression continues to increase.

Beyond the altruistic reasons for ensuring employees are healthy and well, doing so is also beneficial for an organisation’s bottom line. According to a WHO study, anxiety and depression cost the global economy around 1 trillion USD every year in lost productivity. And a study from 2014 by the American Psychological Association found that employees struggling with burnout were 2.6 times more likely to be actively looking for a change in job.

All of this makes creating a positive work-life integration of paramount concern. While the term work-life balance implies that one is always trading off on the other, work-life integration tends towards a more harmonious combination of the two. Bringing wellness into the workplace (or "corporate wellness") is not a trendy option to offer to employees - it’s just as important to instill from the top of the organisation down.

How Healthfully Heather can help you bring wellness into your organisation

Workshops & Seminars

Workshops and seminars are available as standalone sessions or as a series to teach participants about various wellness topics. Participants will receive actionable, concrete steps for implementing the theory into their everyday lives. All workshops and seminars can take place either online or in-person.

Examples of topics includes:

  • Healthy eating 101

  • Eating with intention

  • Fuelling for energy

  • Creating healthy habits

  • Meal planning

  • Stress management

  • Improve your sleep

  • Foundations of healthy living

  • Cooking workshops

Courses & Challenges

Looking for an engaging way to offer wellness to your organisation over a longer period? Courses and challenges are the perfect way to bring a sense of community into your wellness program. Courses can be run as either a self-paced program or with live sessions, either in-person or online.

Some examples of topics include:

  • The foundations of healthy living

  • Real food reset

  • Kick the sugar craving

  • Eat more veggies

  • Building healthy habits

Tailormade Offer

Are you looking for something unique and special for your organisation? Whether it's a combination of the above services or other possibilities like individual or group consults, feedback on menu planning, company restaurant offerings, or content creation, together we can build you the perfect wellness program to meet your needs.

Feel free to get in touch and let me know what you are looking for.

A selection of previous clients